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The True Grit of Bronwyn Knight, South Africa’s International Real Estate Mogul

“I fell into property and real estate,” she says, and having fallen for it, she has risen to the top of her game as CEO of Grit Real Estate.

It would be wrong to say, when it comes to her international career in the real estate business, that Bronwyn Knight got in on the ground floor. The truth is, she was working in a basement, auditing the books of a major property firm, when she first saw a future for herself outside her chosen profession of chartered accountancy. “I fell into property and real estate,” she says, and having fallen for it, she has risen to the top of her game as CEO of Grit Real Estate Income Group, a London Stock Exchange-listed group with a property investment portfolio worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Specialising in high-value property in eight African countries, Grit Real Estate Income Group is a South African success story that owes a great deal to Bronwyn’s insight, vision, and relentless determination. A role-model of entrepreneurial acumen and flair in a largely male-dominated field, Bronwyn has made it big from the most humble of beginnings. She took time off from her busy schedule to chat with Ruda about her business philosophies, the secrets to succeeding in Africa, the best advice she ever received, and living her best life on the perfumed isle of Mauritius.

Ruda Landman

Ruda Landman

Ruda Landman is known to many South Africans as one of the original co-anchors of Carte Blanche on M-Net, a role she fulfilled for 19 years and for which the University of Stellenbosch awarded her an honorary doctorate in 2011.

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